Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year although its still early and all. Wishing everyone will be safe and healthy the whole of next year and may everyone's wishes be fullfiled and good luck in the SPM result thingy. Muacks, love you guys so much. See you guys soon again if I'm back from kl. Anything just contact me through me handphone. It'll be on 24/7. Not sure if I'll be online often or not. Going there to work for few months. Miss everyone and although its too late, I will be hoping that everyone who went to NS will be safe and healthy. Chinese new year is also coming so wishing everyone a wondeful time and healthy,safe and prosperous throughout the year. When I'm back, I'll find you guys yeah??!! We'll go crash at some freakin cafe(s) or so yeah. Okay then, I'll be writing till here. Everyone, have a great year aheah okay and don't choose any wrong decision for the year ahead. Choose properly what you want and look straight ahead and plan everything ahead. Never look back into the past cause we can't change it anymore. Set a cold target infront and move on ahead towards the target yeah. Cool than. Ciao :)