Saturday, November 22, 2008


story telling time...

in a classroom that is full of joy and laughter, 17 ladies and 13 gentlement...
a few groups and gangs., sitting in a circle talking bout homework or rumors..
there is a guy, and a girl. Was very best friends since year 2004..
spending school hours, weekends and holidays together..
spending hours on homework, cell phone, msn, rumors, secrets etc...
Both of them, never fight or even argue..
stick together everyday,
go through troubles together..
entertaining each other when ones is bored..
knowing what happen when ones is moody..
every small little things just 'open one eye close one eye'..
in everybody's mind, nothing will interrupt their relationship..
but now, they are just friends, normal normal normal friend.
no 'Hi'.., no 'Bye'.. no 'How Are You Lately'.. no ' How Are You Doing In Your Exams'..
no connections.., no eye contact..
just like two strangers..
now, he has someone else...
no one knows whats going on...
most probably is, ''misunderstand''...
hammer can build a house, misunderstand can ruin a relationship.

-the end-