Wednesday, November 5, 2008

tips from


Part A
1 Organelles
2. Dynamic Ecosystem
3. Homeostasis
4. Growth
5. Blood Circulatory System

Part B
6. Nutrition (Human Digestive System
7. Dynamic Ecosystem
8. Reproduction
9. Inheritance

Paper 3
Endangered Ecosystem

Physics (another diff tip)

1Momentum- Effects of a fore (impulse and impulsive force
2Measure instrument
3Gas Law
4Forces in Equilibrium
5Work, Energy Power
6Ohm law, electric current and relationship btw potential diff and voltage
7waves and interferences
8Specific heat capacity/ latent heat / thermometer

Section B
9Radioative and isotopes / nuclear fusion
10Logic gates and semiconductor diodes
11Atmospheric pressure + Gas pressure (pascal’s)
12Application of electromagnet inductor

- Tamadun Indus and mesir (1)
- System pentadbiran / perundangan / falsafah (2)
- Perjanjian hudabiyah (5)
- Sumbangan kerajaan islam(6)
- Zaman gelap / renaissance / reformation , penjelajahan & penerokaan(9)

-thailand/ pembahuruan and revo thai (1)
-sebab sebab penentangan pemimpin tempatan (spt dato maharaja lela)
Gerakan islah, surat khabar/novel/ majalah
Perjuangan kesatuan kesatuan melayu terutama (kmm and kms) (2)
- suruhanjaya reid/ ptm 1957
Rombongan ke London / pilihan raya / pakatan murni (5)
-akta bahasa kebangsaan
Perpaduan melalui pendidikan/sukan dann kebudayaan(8)
-perang dunia pertama
Hubungan antarabangsa(9)

Chemistry (diff tip)

1periodic table
2Rate of reaction (concentration)
3acid and base
4haber/ contact process
5heat of neutralization / combustion
6soap / detergent

section B
7bonding ionic/ covalent
8Hydrocarbon/ alchohol / ester / latex

Section C
9redox/ chemical cell
10salt (insoluble /soluble)

Paper 3
1electrochemical series
2strength of alloy and metal

signing off